6 ideas to Plan a Work Christmas Party to Remember

It’s that time of year, Christmas is fast approaching, and you are in charge of organising the work Christmas do! Here are some top tips on how to create a work Christmas party to remember.

Plan Ahead

Christmas is a busy time of year and places can get booked up quickly. Make sure you have planned ahead and book a date, time and venue. Give staff plenty of notice so that they can plan other Christmas commitments accordingly. If you have a few venues in mind, perhaps put it to a vote so that your colleagues can have some input into where the staff Christmas party is held. Once decided, get it booked immediately before you miss out!

Pick a Theme

It can be great fun to pick a theme for the party, and let your imagination run wild! Check if your venue will allow you to put up decorations that are in keeping with your theme. Create a list of cocktails that go with the theme and perhaps you can set up a cocktail making station and think about how you can tie in any catering options with your theme. Staff may not want to dress up for the party, but it could be fun if they are up for it. Be sure to give them plenty of notice if they are expected to dress up in keeping with the theme.

Have a Good Budget

It is a good idea to create a spreadsheet of things for the party once you know your budget. You don’t want to overspend on decorations only to be left short on food. Consider everything needed for the party e.g., the venue, food, alcohol, decorations, maybe even travel home for staff. Make sure that you allocate enough money to each element of the party. Think about what your staff and colleagues will want most from their Christmas party — an open bar or a live band? Then spend the budget accordingly.

Book a Great Venue

The venue sets the whole tone for the party. As mentioned, the best venues get booked up quickly which is why it is important to plan ahead. Make a list of everything that you want from the party and have questions ready for the venue when you call around to speak to them. It is also a good idea to visit the venues before making a choice if it’s not a place you are familiar with.

Make Time for Thank You Presentations

Whilst the staff Christmas party is a great opportunity for everyone to relax, have a drink and celebrate the end of the year, it is also a great opportunity to say thank you to certain members of staff. Be sure to allocate a time during the party celebrations, perhaps towards the beginning before everyone has had too many drinks, where thankyou’s can be said and perhaps presentations made if necessary. This will help staff feel appreciated for all their hard work over the course of the year.

Make Sure Everyone Gets Home

It is a nice touch at the end of the staff Christmas party to ensure that everyone can get home safely. Perhaps you can put on a minibus if the venue is remote to take everyone back to the nearest town. Or perhaps you can allocate some of the budget to pay for people’s taxi home. That way everyone can really enjoy themselves and not worry about getting home at the end of the night.

If you are in charge of organising the staff Christmas party, there is lots to consider when making sure it goes off without a hitch. But with some careful planning you can make sure that everyone has a great time, and that it is a party to remember.

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